
Monday, November 16, 2020

Lazy pony indy

Remember to include in your post: * What this task is. * Why you did it and what you learned. * Something you enjoyed. * Something you are still wondering about.
Hi everyone  
It was Sunday and I had just court indy and tide her in the yard.
 I was going to have a riding lesson on Saturday but it was too muddy so it was on Sunday. I took her cover off and brush indy all over.gave her hay that she got every morning and every night she ate like a pig like she away did I let her go in the yard and went inside after two hours I went out and guess what she was doing she was lying on the ground half asleep.

Monday, October 12, 2020

maths grid

this is my maths grid results I am working on getting 100 out of 100 but I still have a way to go hopefully one day I will be as good as Mrs hall.

Friday, September 25, 2020

pet shop day


Hi, it's me again and guesses what we had an animal shop day raising money for the SPCA. we were having workshops and selling rabbit treats dog treats horse treats and cat treats and bird feeders. It was so much fun I and Libby were doing a rabbit workshop, and as you can see the rabbits were getting loved. Hermione is the ginger one (I named her)  and midnight is the black one (Libby named him) we were really excited and I think I went a bit overboard with all the pellets carrots and brushers. When we had the workshops we had tanemahua first rongamatane second and ruomoko and Tangaroa last the rabbits were very well behaved and the workshops went smoothly.
Now onto the pet treats Libby and I had just finished the rabbit workshops and went into the class Mrs hall said that we could go and help sell the treats we knew we had lots of treats I think  130 bags not including bird feeders so we hoped we had sold enough treats because we all wanted to raise money for the SPCA. and when we went outside we were very happy we had sold lots of treats apart from rabbit treat but sill at the end of the day we had raised lots of money for the SPCA we had raised 382 dollars.

Friday, August 14, 2020


Hi everyone,
In class, this term we are focus on animals. 
Mrs. Hall did part one of abandon story and Libby and I wrote part 2 part 3 part 4 we really enjoyed doing this and lucky we will probably be doing more next week I will try to be braver when we shear our ideas. It is fun learning about animals.
By Cass

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

All better.

Hi, everyone, do you remember when I did a post about how my rabbit Spock got mud fever?

Well, good news he is all better I was really relieved when I went down to the rabbit cage and found Spock all better. Now he is not in pain and is very happy. 😀🐰 
Don't forget to look at my other post.
By Cass

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Nes is awesome

This is my dog Nes she is 13 years old and she has cancer on her leg. She has been in our family since I was born and is our family dog and I am very sad I hope she lives much longer because I will be heartbroken but it is better if she not in pain it is not nice losing an animal. I love her so so so so so much I hope she has a happy rest of her life. and that it is her golden year we are going to take her on a trip and do everything she loves to do. 
Thanks for reading this

times tables

This is my time's tables my highest score is 73 and I am hoping to get higher I have just learned my 11 times tables one day I want to know all my time's tables off by heart and get a time lower than 06:00 mins. 

riding lessons

Hi everyone

On Saturday I had riding lessons with my riding Ashley bruce. she came at 1:00 on Saturday and we only had to pay $20 for an hour WOW. At 12:45 I arrived at my nanas and started brushing Indy (my pony) we put the saddle on and the bridle on and then hoped on just as Ashley came up the driveway. We went up the back paddock we went round the two power poles. Then we went to the side paddock and did some poles we did transitions and then I did a canter. after a little while indy decided she had enough and tried to buck I pulled her head up and she only pig rooted I all most fall off. then for punishment, she had to do lots of transitions and she ended on a good note. We went up the hill and back to the yard and untacked her. and I said thanks to Ashley because she helped a lot and is awesome. 

thanks for reading my blog post.😊

Monday, July 27, 2020


My rabbit Spock got mud fever on his tummy and back legs... 
Mud fever is where all the hair in the places they get it falls out and then the skin goes red and it starts bleeding it is caused by dampness. We had to take him to the vets my dad took him when I was at school so so I had no idea he had goon. When my mum picked me up from school she told me what happened when Spock went to the vets. He was very scared when they tried to shave away the damp hair he started SCREAMING and went CRAZY so the vets had to give him an anesthetic... When my mum got to the vets she was shocked because she had to pay $400. LOL 😂

Monday, July 20, 2020

goals of the week

Hi everyone this is my goals we write a reflection every Monday morning. since it was the holiday we wrote about our holiday I really enjoy doing our quotes. I learn that focus is really important.  I have got better at my timetables because I focused. I hope you enjoy reading this.

Friday, July 3, 2020

what's the weather

This is me and libbys whats the wether slides we made a barometer 
what is a barometer and what duss it do? a barometer is a weather predicted if the needle and the straw point up it means it is going to be rainy or stormy if it points down it means it is going to be sunny. it is all because of pressure. 
how did we make a barometer? and what you will need so what you need is a rubber band, scissors, jar, glue, tape, balloon. needle, straw, pencil, marker pen, card, now all you need to do is whach the video on the slides. hope you enjoy reading my blog posts
by Cass 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Bengal tigers

 Hi everyone this is my Bengal tiger report I wanted to write lots but I did not have time to write all of it. I have a book on tigers and i used some faces out of it I really enjoyed making it and I hope you like reading it. 
By Cass

friends for ever

Hi everyone this is my post about the letter i wrote to my friend Ryley t my friend who is leaving Makaraka school all the people in the class made Rylie a letter i put a picture of me and Rylie on and then Libby and anna photobombed and we were all in the photo. When Rylie left I was very sad but hopefully, we would see each other in town.

by Cass

leaf goals

 Hi everyone this is my leaf goal and leaf learning map me and Libby made them. What we had to do was make a leaf and put goals or learning maps in it we really enjoyed making it.
By Cass  

Thursday, June 25, 2020

rocket videos

this is our teams' side of our rocket launches and some photos and other things from ted lab,
our group made this in about 25 mins and then kept add other things to it now it has 4 slides I hope you enjoy reading about our rocket launches
thanks for looking from Cass.

stability test

this is our stability test, goggle drawing we made what we did was spinning around in a circle well holding a rocket on a string if it went wobbly and went up and down it was not stable but if it went round in a state circle it was all right what I found challenging was spinning round in a circle without falling over.  by Cass

hippos report

Hello everyone
this is my hippos report we had to gather facts and then write them in here our titles where habitat which means where they live, appearance which means what they look like and diet the foods they eat.
what I found challenging was reading all the facts and finishing in time but all overall I enjoyed making this
thankyou so much for reading my blog.

computer engineering morals

Hi everyone 
this is our teams' computer engineering morals we made it so we would learn more about rocket lab we really enjoyed making it. We read a story online and then went on to a moral site and we had to read them and then compel them to the story we read if it went with what rocket lab did we would put it in here and then write why it is important to rocket lab.
thanks for looking at my blog
By Cass.😉 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Indy my amazing pony

This is My pony Indy she is 7 years old, 14.2 and a half hands and is blue roan, red roan, and strawberry roan and is very greedy and lazy always trying to eat. in this photo I am riding her bareback I can jump her 40-centimeter meters and am now trying to jump higher. I want to compete in the grand pix when I also want to meet the Willson sisters. In the paddock were we jump Indy we also so do other things like mounted game training.
By Cass # Indy😆

rocket design

This is our rocket design.
 scene I am the designer I made the rocket design but I did not want to only use my idea I so we joined all our ideas together in one and this is what it came to. then we had to make the rocket we really enjoyed making it. And figuring out what would work best and what changes we can make so it was better cause you learn from your  mistakes thanks from looking at my blog
By Cass. 😊 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

safety poster

Hi everyone this is our team's safety poster we made it in a rush because we started late and just finished in time.
By cass

ID card

This is my ID card I did it with two sides one side had my name and jobs, Environmental scientist, and Designer also the team name and on the back, I had my email and the business spot. Since I am an Environmental scientist I put leaves and plants and I love horses so I put a horse background. And of course a picture of me,
I really enjoyed making it
By Cass 😏

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

business cards

for ted lab, we made business cards this was our one, we put our email addresses on our names and where the business was.
we put a picture on to, I am the one on the right in green then we had to glue them together which took a long time but we got there.😄
By Cass

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Our rocket

Hi everyone
for ted lad we have been making rockets  this is our groups rocket i really enjoyed making our rocke it was really fun glueing and cutting bits of plastic out of the bottles when we finished i was very proud of me and libby who also helped now our group is very excited  to fly our rocket.

By Cass

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

My profile

Hi everyone, 

we are starting a business called ted lab which stands for tawhirimatea engineer and design lab. We were put into groups of 5s and 4s our group was a group of 5 we named ourselves Five Stars we each had to make a profile and this is mine. I really enjoyed it since we named ourselves five stars I put in a star background.  

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Maths Grid 2020 Term 2 Results

Hi Everyone
I am trying to get better at my times tables and be more accrete our class does a grid ever monday and wednesday today is wednesday and i got 48 as my score i want to be able to go up to 100 in 5 to 6 minutes. i think i am getting better  i find lots of the times tables hard but most of all the 12s .

by cass

Friday, May 1, 2020


 this is my post i write about my rocket straws. I really enjoyed making and flying the rockets it was fun.
By cass

Monday, April 20, 2020

my goals of the week

catapult plane

this is my post i made about my plane flying it was really fun. last week we focused on catapult planes what i needed was a hole punch, a4 paper and a rubber band a ruler and a tape measure. First i made a plane, then i got my hole punch and made a hole in the middle of the plane. Then i put the rubber band through. Next was flying the plane. What i needed to do was get a pencil and put the
top of the pencil through the rubber band, pull the pencil which was connected to the rubber band forwards to 10 centimeters and let go. Then we looked at the tape measure on the ground to see how far the plane had flown
We did each measurement 5 times and stretched the rubber band up to 30 centimeters.

By Cass

Friday, April 17, 2020


making buntings
this is how we made the buntings 
we cut out triangle shape from old sheets then we gathered leaves we turned them upside down and painted the bottom of the leaves then we put the bottom of the leaf down on the triangle piece of cloth and push it
with our fingers then we lifted the leaf up after
we made all of them hune them on wire and 
there was the buntings 
it was really fun.

By cass

Thursday, April 16, 2020

fantastic flowers

fantastic flowers
this is my art work.
I really enjoyed working on it it took a bit of time it was really fun deciding where to put 
the flowers and leaves.
What i  found challenging was stopping the plants from blowing away .
i fell happy and proud.

by Cass

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


On easter monday i went rollerskating with my mum my sister and Ness our dog we went  around the block it was really fun. I had not done it for a long time i was quite wobbly at first but i got better.  My  mum told me to bend my knees a little so i did and it helped 
i felt very proud of my self.

fun fact: these roller skates are 33 years old and they are my mums.
by cass

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

how good am i at my times tables?

On monday and wednesday we do our times tables we have 6:00 minutes to do 100. The closest i have ever got is 43 out of 100 this graph is showing how good i am i. Hope by the end of this year i can get 100 in 4:00 but if i want to get that much i have to practices lots.well at least i am getting better.